Saturday, April 24, 2010

All in a day's work!

"Together we'll stand, divided we'll fall. Come on now people, let's get on the ball, and work together. Come on, come on, let's work together" - Let's work together, Canned Heat.

The May magazine deadline was upon us...already! This meant there was a great deal of work to get through, so there had to be extra hours put in to get the work done. It was pretty exciting actually, because, now it being my second time around, I had a better understanding on how things 'went down' and I knew what to expect. Having that little bit of familiarity made it easier.

Most of week seven's work was about getting the mag's contents in, edited, formatted - and all that jazz - so that it was ready for print on the weekend. There were plenty of little last minute bits and bobs that needed to be done too. Some of those included making sure my articles were done and ready to go, including the 'editors input' and other interviews that I had to set up and work on, on the spot. Because time was tight, I had to use every little bit of it allocated, wisely and to its full advantage! This week was pretty hectic, and even though it was the lecture recess break, there was still plenty to do! Needless to say, there'll be quiet a few bits and pieces with my byline featuring in the May issue – but hey! You don't hear me complaining!

I created the dedicated pages as well, which I had done for the previous issue, so again I was walking on common ground. News desk, Disk news and Tour bus; easy, peasy, lemon squeezy! I tracked down images required to match articles too. This probably took the longest and was the most frustrating task of the week - they were just nowhere to be found on the server and when I did find them (through the handy 'search' option), with a roll of the eyes I'd smirk, because I would have never thought of searching there! It was a definite case of "who the f%$& put them in that bloody sh&!ty folder?!"...okay, maybe it wasn't that extreme, but something similar was going through my head - I'll let you use your imagination! The moral of the story? The server needs to be revamped and it should be uniform and consistent! I'm not saying that it wasn't me or that it was Dan, but I am saying that maybe I should make that a priority to work on fixing up the server so that everything has a specific folder. And yes, it will be time consuming, but in the end, it's gonna save bucket loads of time, energy and frustration!

On another note, I got to interview a legend this week. A. Legend. You're thinking..."I don't follow this girl's zany idea path...." Well, no, that's okay, because I haven't really explained myself yet. I could just tell you the name of this iconic legend, but that would be giving it away too soon, and I think it's more fun not to! *Pauses with an excited grin from ear to ear, for a slight moment...* Okay, fine! You twisted my arm, I'll just tell you!

So I walk into the office on Wednesday and Dan tells me that we need to find a writer for an interview today. I agreed and asked him who it was. "It's Jimmy Barnes," Dan said. It took me a while to process the thought that we needed to find a writer to interview THE Jimmy Barnes! My brain ticked, “okay, thought processed”, and I did what any major music fan would do! How could I turn that down?! He was absolutely brilliant! So down to earth, a real Aussie larrikin and overall, just a great conversationalist. After the interview, we spoke about Scotland, where he grew up and his accent. I found this all particularly interesting because of my Scottish background, and he also recognised that my name was of Scottish origin! All in a day's work, I say!

Working together, getting the job done, putting in the extra time, effort and skills is what made this week yet another successful achievement in my journey that I like to call 'Grier's Place to be!'

See ye efter!



  1. Good luck with the organising of the server! Hopefully it will mean less f*#! and s*!#..always a good thing!

    Talking to Barnesy? Amazing! I know how easy you are to talk to from our wide-ranging and always enjoyable conversations! I think your genuine interest in things is a massive part of it. And i'm sure that infuses your interview style.

    How exciting not knowing who you might get to have a good ol' yarn with next!

  2. I am jealous! hahaha Love Barnesy!

    Good stories of how your day goes at The Place. Would love some reflection on things you've learned and how you learned them. For example, organizing the server is one thing. But actually having the 'pre-knowledge' that things HAVE to be organized so that things flow smoother is another. What in your own work can you 'pre-organize'? What about last minute stuff-ups? How do you cope?
