Sunday, November 14, 2010


“I want to thank you, for giving me the best day of my life. Oh just to be with you, is having the best day of my life” – Thank you, Dido.

Thank you. No, seriously, THANK. YOU! So this is the end and what better to way to leave a lasting impression than to summarise what I’ve learned throughout my internship, as the Editor of The Place.

I’ve learned:

1. How to communicate with people within the music industry (celebrities included!) and how important it is to establish good working relationships.

2.What it means to be ‘the Editor’, including the work, organisation and managerial skills involved in an editorial role.

3. How to work and cope under pressure; and in turn, come out even better on the other side!

4. How to manage my time effectively to achieve set tasks, sometimes in a small time frame.

5. How to set realistic, time-bound agendas and goals, and achieve them!

6. How to get the most out of a stressful or bad situation, and potentially turn it into a good one.

7. How The Place rolls – I got an insight into what goes on behind the scenes and gain an understanding on how small tasks can equal big results!

8. How I’ve improved my writing, interviewing, communication, editing and team working skills.

9. How cool it is to be involved in the ever-changing music industry and to learn what opportunities are at my fingertips, now and in the future.

10. How much of an awesome opportunity my internship has been to learn, grow and gain. Thank you.

And there you have it, 10 things that I’ve learned; however it doesn’t stop there. I could go on, but I’d be here for days. It’s said that you never stop learning, so let the learning continue! Next stop, the radio!

Thank you for visiting Grier’s Place to be!


I'll be seeing you!

"See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile. See you later alligator, so long, that's all, goodbye!" - See you later Alligator, Bill Haley & His Comets.

Before I say goodbye, I guess I should wrap this baby up! Yes, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve graced you with my presence, but have no fear – Grier’s here! And if you’ve forgotten, this is THE place to be! So now that the corny introduction’s out of the way, it’s time to step back in time and retrace my steps of the last weeks of my internship.

Now where did we get up to? Oh yes, I remember. June! Sweet, pleasant Juney, June! I did my usual tasks, like finalising the editorial overview, requesting, editing and formatting articles and images, created ‘The Place Presents’ section and sorted out the gig and art guides for each mag. As I’ve learned, an editor’s job is never done; no sooner was June complete, that it was time to start preparing material for the next edition!

July’s mag was a bit like Christmas, in July, of course! It was everything Christmas in July should be! Jolly, fun, festive and it marked an ending, even though it was really just the start of something new. July marked the end of my internship and my role as the editor. Putting the July mag together was much the same as June, and by that I mean seeing that I'd gotten into the swing of things by then, I was simply cruising with the tasks that once upon a time seemed difficult. So, I had achieved that! I’d got my head around the basic ins and outs of my editorial role, I’d made and maintained great relationships with writers and people within the music industry, and I had a real sense of accomplishment at the end of each day. By the time the mag was ready for print, I had felt like I’d successfully fulfilled my personal expectations and reached my goals that I'd set at the beginning of my internship. As well as that, I was helping to produce a wicked monthly mag! Not only had I improved professionally, but also personally - and that, I’m quite fond of!

My big, final task in the remaining weeks was to create a contact’s database for the e-newsletter that was being introduced in the coming weeks. It sounds easy enough, right? Well, yes, it was, but more than anything, it was extremely time consuming. I was able to work on the database in my own time which didn’t require me to go into the office. This worked out well because the new editor, Marla had started and was finding her feet.

So I guess that’s about it really, overall I can definitely say that I’ve gained immensely from my internship and although at times it was stressful and had me working my hardest, it’s helped make me a better journalist!

So, without further ado, see YOU later, alligator! (for now at least, crocodile!)
