Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Eddy, lock in DEADLINE MODE"

"Well pick up your feet, we got a deadline to meet, I'm gonna see you make it on time. Oh, don't relax, I want elbows and backs, I wanna see everybody from behind" - Working for the man, Roy Orbison.

Week two saw me in deadline mode. The April issue of The Place was due to go to print on Sunday, so it was all go, go, go! I was flying solo this week as editor. I had Dan along side to help me out, but it was my chance to put the skills I had learnt the week before, into action!

My three days consisted of me making sure the articles were submitted, edited, formatted correctly and were ready for publication. If they weren't, it was up to me to track them down and get them sorted! Although the editorial deadline had passed, there were still articles that writers had not submitted. This was an important task for me to complete. Without the articles, the magazine would be empty, resulting in it looking bad and my role as the editor looking worse! It didn't prove difficult however, as the writers submitted their work upon request, without hassle. This made my job easy and allowed me to get it all edited, formatted and perfected, ready for publication - happy days!

With the April issue being my first published magazine as the editor, it meant I had to write a short introductory spiel about myself. I decided to call 'K.I.S.S', and I did just that, I kept it simple stupid!

Another task I had was to create the local buzz, news desk, tour bus and disk news sections which feature information about upcoming events, touring and general news about the music, entertainment and arts scene. This also wasn't too difficult as most of the information was already on the server, it just required the editors (my) finishing touch!

A task that did prove to be a little more difficult was to compile an article in a short period of time. Dan gave me an interview that was received via email. Due to being time restricted, questions were emailed to an artist, who then replied with answers. I had to then turn these answers into quotes and produce an article that was worth reading. Don't be fooled, that was the easy part. What made it hard was deciphering the answers. The artist was of a different nationality and they used a mixture of past and present text. As well as that, some words were missing in sentences, so they didn't flow at all! To make it even more difficult, I had to do all of this in a space of 30 minutes! It was time to get my skates on!
I ended up producing an article that I was really happy with and met the deadline. It's also the fastest article I have written to date, so it just goes to show that a little bit of pressure, can produce big results!


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